Use Cases

Oh, The Places You’ll Go! with Ensign 😉

Ensign is an eventing platform for developers that dramatically simplifies real-time apps and analytics. Here’s a list of ideas we dreamed up that are possible to build on Ensign. We grouped them by use case, but it’s by no means exhaustive. We hope it gets your creative wheels turning!

Civic Engagement

  • Active First Responders
  • Real-Time Civic Notices
  • Digital Democracy
  • Moderator-less Message Boards
  • Anti-Human Trafficking Tools

Climate Change

  • Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Dashboard
  • Climate Change Monitor
  • Carbon Credit Exchange
  • Weather Change Monitors

Customer Experience

  • Live Customer Support & On-Call Management
  • In-Store IoT for Point of Sale (e.g. “Buy as you shop” inventory)
  • Real-Time Package Tracking
  • Better Online Restaurant Ordering System
  • Next Generation Ad Tracking

Developer Tools

  • Application Performance Monitoring (APM) & Alerting
  • Observability Tools
  • Production & Test Environments Synchronization (that don’t interfere with process)
  • Spot Instance Price Alerting Tool for Multi-Cloud

Enterprise Experience

  • Real-time Anonymization
  • Access Control & Identity Management
  • Employee Performance Management/Human Performance Management


  • Integrated Patient Therapy Management
  • Contract Tracing/ Outbreak Modeling
  • Unified Digital Self (for Holistic Nutrition/Health)

Industrial Applications

  • Industrial Maintenance & Repairs
  • Synthetic Swarms

Machine Learning Applications

  • Time Series Analytics
  • CRDT-Powered Collaborative Jupyter Notebooks
  • Real-Time Entity Resolution (De-Duplication & Canonicalization)


  • Flight Tracker
  • Public Transport Tracker
  • Advanced Car Maintenance & Diagnostics

Social Events

  • Massively Multiplayer Online Live (MMOL) Scavenger Hunts
  • Live Streaming Events (sports, conventions, etc.)
  • Watch Party for Geo-Distributed Friends (virtual events)
  • Fantasy Sports Gambling (as you watch)
  • Social Media Feed Aggregation
  • Multi-channel/Thread Dynamic Group Chat
  • Personalized Multi-Source Newsfeed

Supply Chain

  • Advanced Inventory Control & Sales Forecasting
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Supply Chain Dynamics Monitoring

Ready to get started?

Want to brainstorm a use case with us? Let us know at

Happy Eventing!

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